In anycase, The shopping was fun and the gelato was delicious! I enjoyed my time there but it could have been better if I knew someone there to take me out. Nightlife was a disaster but I don't blame it on the city. I blame it on the lack of knowing where to go. I saw about a hundred Americans roaming the streets and alleys of Firenze without a clue of where to go. The cold was almost unbearable and I came back to Rome with a cold. I even decided to leave a day earlier because I felt like I had seen all of Firenze. The city really is small. Though, I would not mind going back, but only with someone who knew the city like the back of their hand. This weekend coming up is Milano... hopefully, I have an amazing time there.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Firenze, I Shall Give You Another Try
Florence, Florence, Florence... Well, I can't say it wasn't beautiful, it was. I can't say it wasn't clean because it was compared to Rome. The city was well lit at night and the people were much friendlier. However, I am ever so glad that I decided to study abroad in Rome. Firenze made me realize that I prefer big cities and the challenges that come with it. For example, in my experience, English is much more common in Firenze than Rome. It's rare when I find someone who chooses to speak English to me. But in Firenze it was English here and English there. English in the morning and English at night. Americans here and Americans there. Americans with green eggs and Americans with ham (small reference to Dr.Seuss).