Monday, December 28, 2009

What Lies Ahead

As the New Year approaches, I am surrounded by talk of hopeful resolutions,dramatic life changes and of course... the possibility of the end of the world. All I can think about is what lies ahead for me. I fly overseas to Rome on Jan. 12th. I will stay in Italy until May 9th. YES, I was able to get back on track and study abroad before I graduate from UF. Was it difficult for me to have taken this step? Am I reminded of my father's passing? Do I feel this step to travel abroad is necessary right now in my life?
Yes, yes and YES. However, I also feel that I am more motivated than others in making this happen. Not only had I planned this with my father for four years and had dreamt about this plan back in high school but thinking about it more in depth, if it isn't now, then when?I quote Shakira, "Why wait for later?"

In my future career, public relations, I can't expect to work and have a vacation of four months handed to me, ever. Also, I studied Italian at UF for four years. There is no better time than now to practice my third language.
So the new year can bring it, I'm more than ready, I've been waiting for it.
I was once told by a friend that resolutions shouldn't be started or made the 1st of January. They should be made at any time and followed through. What is it about the new year that makes us all eager to make new rules for ourselves? It's infectious, I know. Even if we have nothing, we'll try to ponder and push and poke our minds to find something, anything that we can change. What will it be this year for you? Weight Loss, Eating healthier, Controlling your temper more, Going to church more??? The list is endless, isn't it?
For me, I expect to take in all I can from this voyage and document as much as I can on my blog, such as: Feelings, knowledge, opinions and interesting visuals that I encounter. I am excited but it hasn't hit me yet. I have much more to worry about. On the side, I also have my personal life that won't take a break and keeps me heavily thinking night and day. I hope, like we all do, that somehow every puzzle piece falls right into place and if it doesn't, I'll comfort myself with this overused popular saying:
"Everything happens for a reason."
It's better than tormenting myself if things don't turn out well. I chuckled as I wrote that.
Happy New Years! Bring it 2010!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Inside Scoop: Thanksgiving style

It's been a while since I've written. It's not like I haven't had topics or issues to write about. It's been the lack of expressive want. No one should write when the words aren't oozing out, when the picture can't be illustrated, when the emotions can't form clear clouds of expression. Nonetheless, here I am. Back on my A-game of blogging.
It's turkey day... gobble gobble. Should I speak about how Thanksgiving came to be and what it means to me or the slaughtering massacre of thousands of mistreated turkeys all over the United States? My inclination for readers point to the first one.

Here's an explanation from an American libertarian author :"The Pilgrim Fathers came to colonial America to escape religious persecution in Great Britain, but also to establish a new type of society in the wilderness. They were determined to follow Plato's model in 'The Republic,' and create a communist utopia. It lead to economic disaster, which was only overcome through the Plymouth Colony elders admitting their error, and instead 'privatizing' the colony's property. By doing so they set loose individual initiative and market-based incentives. The result: a bounty in the wilderness rather than starvation.It was this bounty for which they gave thanks. It was the birth of private enterprise in the New World." Dr. Richard Ebeling is to thank for that enlightening explanation. And yes, if it makes us feel better, I agree with the whole mutual engagement between American Indians and Colonists, even if it is historically twisted. Bring out the turkey!

Every one has something to say on this day. Some say that we should be thankful every day, others can't stop bringing up how American history has taken the attention away from a forceful invasion to a holiday, and others just realize that Thanksgiving should just be embraced. My Colombian family, on the other hand, has quite little to say because they don't necessarily understand why there's a Thanksgiving day. They simply roll with the flow. They do make a turkey, but then again, they also make pig, chicken, rice with beans, plantain, fruit salad and potato salad that has pineapple, sausage, cilantro, mayo and boiled egg in it. No we don't have desserts. We do however, have plenty of alcohol to go around for the whole neighborhood. Ha ha, yes let's not forget the music and the dancing. This year might be a bit different though since my father was the one who always made the turkey. We'll just have to wait and see how tampered my family's vibes get as the holiday develops.

I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. With every moment, a memory is made. Embrace it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Our World and all its Glory

The sun is half hidden behind the mid-level, slightly gray clouds. The humidity is coating me like a glazed doughnut. I'm walking on campus and i can feel my clothes sticking tighter to me with every step i take. And yet, i can feel the happiness around me. It's Friday and UF students are perspiring joy. No classes tomorrow. Instead tailgating and getting asked countless times by sober and drunk people alike, if your going to the game.
Although I'm in high spirits too, it's because of other reasons. For one, i received good news. The Italian program at UF has received a higher budget than before and is being encouraged to continue with full force. Last semester I was close to certain that it would be shut down in a couple of semesters. However, this is not the case. I wish students realized how enriching languages are. It's a favorable chance, an opportunity. Learning a language opens the door to be more accepting of other cultures, to get out from the bubble you were raised in. -sigh-

Later in the day, something else happened ... I was able to acknowledge a negative point and see the positive of it. Can you relate? possibly... But can you relate to what I am about to explain? ... I clicked on one of my favorite Web sites, BBC News, and read one of the latest articles of the day. I then proceeded to cover my mouth with my right hand in disbelief. My eyebrows arched up and my eyes widened in disgust as the reading material was comprehended in my head. I then turned my head to the right and just stared out my open window.
According to BBC News, The president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, declared today in a speech that "the Nazi Holocaust was a myth."
This speech was delivered to millions of people, obviously. And i think to myself, denial is really just that easy, isn't it? However, i found positivity in the article, some how,some way.Other nations replied immediately to this and I'm thankful for it. The reaction to this erroneous and ludicrous statement helps preserve world history, unfathomable traumatization and human agony.

[In response to Ahmadinejad's denial of the Holocaust, David Miliband, British Foreign Secretary, said it was "abhorrent as well as ignorant". Also, The White House later added to the condemnation, calling Ahmadinejad's remarks "ignorant and hateful."
"It is very important that the world community stands up against this tide of abuse," Miliband said. (BBC News) ]

This is an immense deal, regardless if it affects us directly or not.

I shake my head at this moment because justice is only a word and not an action. And i frown with the awareness that a person may have an altered belief attached to the definition of justice.

Here's to free will and a hopeful world. Cheers.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I wasn't prepared for the unexpected, but it won't stop my progress

My world has been turned upside down but here I am, pushing forward.
I'm 21 and my father is dead. I won't dwell on this because it's much too personal for my blog. I will however add that I don't feel like a victim. I understand these things happen and that if I fail to continue with my goals, the outcome will only affect me, regardless of my reasons to why I abandoned the original plan.

One of my main arrangements have taken an immediate setback, my study abroad program to Rome. With the unexpected series of events that have just occurred, I decided to delay my trip. Instead of going this spring semester, Jan. 2010, fall semester 2010 sounds better. I have a lot of responsibilities to take care of as my father's only child. Luckily for me, my UF professors have been very understanding and considerate. Along with their condolences, they have also allowed me to make up my work. This week was supposed to be my second week of the semester, but in reality, it's my first. So far, it's a bit surreal that I'm in my senior year and that I will soon be part of what they all call alumni.

As a person who analyzes her surroundings, I see every locality that holds people in packed. Every building, bus,walk way, supermarket and library lacks space. Surely the constructed dwelling did not shrink... there are more people, way more. Gainesville is growing every semester. Not only in population but in visiting popularity. I also notice how the "bad economy" is starting to seriously hurt us students. Budget cuts are not only affecting our no-more-free-agendas situation but also our lunches, print media, class options, organizations and tuition. Among friends it's one of the main things to talk about now or complain about. The one plan of action i thought I could always count on is being stripped away slowly, Bright Futures. Because of the budget cuts in Florida, it will only cover a fixed amount not 75% of my overall tuition. Oh dear, I'm in trouble. And if I'm not, I will be next semester. Somehow though, every one always finds some way to motivate themselves. So let me keep hoping that better days will come... before the worse ones do.

In conclusion, I must keep advancing.
Because if I don't, then who will do it for me?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Sweet Ending to my Productive Summer

The end is approaching summer months in Miami will be a past memory in exactly three days.

Every summer ends with a sad face and a great tan.
It's always the same. My way back up to Gainesville gives me time to reflect on how fruitful my summer was. I consider traveling plans, outings in the city, relationships, beach days and career-oriented accomplishments before deciding if my summer counted.

This year, summer was exceptionally magnificent. It probably has to do with the series of unexpected events that i came across. I had this whole summer planned, as i do with most things. Yet, everything worked out discordantly.
On a professional level, it worked out perfectly. Let's be honest here, being able to answer questions when asked about what you're are doing is the best part about having a job. The conversation usually goes:

Friend/Relative/Stranger: So what have you been up to this summer?

Me: Well, you know... internship at a P.R. Firm...

F/R/S: oh wow, that's great... lucky you have a job, economy is so bad right now. Still at UF right? When do you go back up? what do you study again?

Me: Yea... that's true. Well i study Public Relations, you know like what i do at the P.R. Firm. and i go back up at the end of summer.

F/R/S: OH RIGHT, yea yea... that's great... Um yea, what is Public Relations again? like Marketing right?


The point i was trying to get across is that i can say i did something productive for my future this summer. Isn't that what college students hope to impress others with any way? This summer although very productive, has also been a bit enlightning, a tad spontaneous, a pinch emotional, a wee bit serene and a smidge zestful. It all combined to make my summer savvy and memorable.

I should cherish the memories i made in Colombia in May because i don't plan on going this December. As for family, i don't know how often i will be coming down to Miami. Hopefully Fall semester will allow me to come down more. I don't want to use the gas excuse, but it still remains as one of my main reasons why i rarely come down south.
Summer, this isn't good bye. This is see you later.

A toast.... to what the future may bring.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

South Florida Print Media Outlets

I dial, it rings and then an automated voice gives me my options... i always skip the intro and dial zero.

Yes operator, i need you. I ask for an editor or i ask the operator (normally a her) to direct me in the right direction.
The editor answers with a talk-quick-i'm-busy tone and i try to squeeze my two-minute explanation into a two-sentence question.

Today, like every day, the receptionist answers with a greeting so cranky that it almost makes me want to go over there and give her a coconut popsicle(at least that's what always cheers me up). After she transfers me, unless she puts you on hold for a minute and then picks up where she left off by asking you once again what you needed, you get an editor,and if not you get what i kept getting today. I kept getting transferred to a voicemail box so encouraging that not even the editor's mother would have left a message. So no, if that wasn't clear enough, i didn't leave any voicemails. If i ever did get answers back from them, i would always gladly leave my voice on a recorder.

They all talk to me the same: Miami Herald, el Nuevo Herald, South Florida Business Journal, Daily Business Review, Sun Sentinel, Hispanic Market Weekly, Diario Las Americas.... i can go on but i'm sure you got the idea.
They don't want to talk to see who they are dealing with, instead they want an email. Why exactly? to be more efficient? to not have to confront directly? to leave it for later? I believe there are a number of reasons. Not all reasons have to apply. I do know one thing, the email follow up can take an eternity. I wish calling was just as important. To hear the tone and sound of the person's voice is so much more personal, so clicheeee! but no, the phone is not preferable to them.

By the way, if you're wondering if the Spanish publications are nicer? more accommodating?
Easy answer: No.

Editors... must you make it sound, feel and look as if you have better things to do. If your deadlines can't wait, get an assistant. After all, without our press releases what work would you have to edit or run.

Good day.

Monday, August 10, 2009

My internship at Axis Agency

This is my second internship and i have to say that it is quite different from my last one at a boutique P.R. firm. This global P.R. Firm (where i intern now) has made me realize the differences in tactics and strategies compared to the inner workings of a boutique firm. I noticed that titles and positions mean much more than higher salary, it also means input power. At my last internship i was able to sit in a meeting and put forth my ideas, whether they were good or not. At this internship all the pitching ideas and strategy plans are already decided and all that is left, is to follow the plan, the blueprint, the process. It's already done and all i have to do is carry it out. The chance to be witty with work is done before i even began. Therefore, my creative ideas are not needed. My brain is not asked to find a more economical way of getting the media to cover our clients. My brain simply is supposed to figure out how to ask a receptionist for a much needed email address. I drive 35 minutes without traffic to get on the phone and ask editors, assistants and receptionists questions. Then i drive 50 minutes in bumper-to-bumper traffic, which gives me plenty of time to reflect on my job. Hmm, not quite what i was expecting.

So what am i complaining about exactly? The drive to and from work or my job? It's hard to say... Actually, i'm making this sound worse than it is. I'm an intern. What can i expect?

But the reality of it is that i can be replaced by anyone. My position and tasks do not require any cleverness nor impressive efficiency. I am reconsidering the idea of working in a global firm where only the top of the top decide how the client's money will be put to use. This can make it more challanging to be satisfied with ones job position. However, i suppose it can also make it more motivating to know there is a higher title with a nicer office, more power, and a newer desk awaiting for you. It might even have a plant by the window.

This experience will end in 4 days.
The co-workers are young, ambitious, well-mannered, professional and energetic. Very nice atmosphere, not stuffy. That will be missed.