This is my second internship and i have to say that it is quite different from my last one at a boutique P.R. firm. This global P.R. Firm (where i intern now) has made me realize the differences in tactics and strategies compared to the inner workings of a boutique firm. I noticed that titles and positions mean much more than higher salary, it also means input power. At my last internship i was able to sit in a meeting and put forth my ideas, whether they were good or not. At this internship all the pitching ideas and strategy plans are already decided and all that is left, is to follow the plan, the blueprint, the process. It's already done and all i have to do is carry it out. The chance to be witty with work is done before i even began. Therefore, my creative ideas are not needed. My brain is not asked to find a more economical way of getting the media to cover our clients. My brain simply is supposed to figure out how to ask a receptionist for a much needed email address. I drive 35 minutes without traffic to get on the phone and ask editors, assistants and receptionists questions. Then i drive 50 minutes in bumper-to-bumper traffic, which gives me plenty of time to reflect on my job. Hmm, not quite what i was expecting.
So what am i complaining about exactly? The drive to and from work or my job? It's hard to say... Actually, i'm making this sound worse than it is. I'm an intern. What can i expect?
But the reality of it is that i can be replaced by anyone. My position and tasks do not require any cleverness nor impressive efficiency. I am reconsidering the idea of working in a global firm where only the top of the top decide how the client's money will be put to use. This can make it more challanging to be satisfied with ones job position. However, i suppose it can also make it more motivating to know there is a higher title with a nicer office, more power, and a newer desk awaiting for you. It might even have a plant by the window.
This experience will end in 4 days.
The co-workers are young, ambitious, well-mannered, professional and energetic. Very nice atmosphere, not stuffy. That will be missed.