It's raining, it's humid and then it's sunny... yes, typical Miami weather. When one sees transparent, water-filled droplets fall at full force on to ones' windshield, it doesn't mean the day is over. It simply means, how long until it stops? Every one in Miami knows that once the rain stops, the sun comes out to play again. The heat is on. And day continues as if nothing happened. One thing we can't get rid of though is the ongoing humidity that plagues this city, day and night Nice hair? Gone in seconds. Fresh, clean skin? No, instead you're left to embrace the sticky feeling that glazes your exposed skin. But you know what? As a traveler, I can say that like Miami, there is no other. And often when I ponder about this, Will Smith's song, "Welcome to Miami," comes to mind. Feel like singing with me?
One night in particular was nice and breezy (every night by the beach is breezy, but assume you're like me, 25 minutes away from South Beach). And this night was a special one. One where I looked up at the sky and my eyes widened with awe.
The month of July--julio--luglio doesn't stand out for other countries. But in the US, it's a big deal. How patriotic we get. And how nice to get a day off work after July 4th. I definitely admired the fireworks this year. Sparkly, glittery, illuminating firecrackers ruining our atmosphere. But nonetheless, beautiful. The World cup has also been going on, pretty exciting. If you've read my other blogs, you've noticed my appreciation for Spain as a country so it is only natural I root for them. Had Colombia been competing I would, like Shakira said, gone for them.

Today, Spain and Germany play.....*nervous* Tough match ahead of us. After watching a few games, I can see why my father had been so excited to watch these players' every move, every play, every team strategy. Their whole life's accomplishments are based on these matches. This is their dream. This is why they have been playing their whole life, to bring their team honor. And when a team loses, you'll hear someone say, "Oh well, it's just a game." And then points to the player that started crying on the field. Not a sore loser, but instead a person who dedicated their every hour to train to be the best he/she could be. I gotta say, these players deserve credit. Now, you the reader may say, well now Caroline what are you trying to say about other sports? And my reply would be to him/her: Other sports aren't as personal to me as this one. My father was a hardcore soccer--futbol--calcio fan. . .
It suddenly dawns on me; I should have watched more matches with him.
Now to the topic at hand, phases. As I have discussed with others. Occurrences during this month have made me think of what I believe are phases humans go through. If you think Psychology, we can talk about Erickson's 8 stages, but lucky for you, I am not. I am talking about simple life phases. For example, when I was a teenager, the future seemed far and not something I would have to worry about "right now." Now I have passed through the beginning of the second (my general term) phase in my life. The one where I believe the future depends on me. This is only the beginning in my opinion because I have accepted responsibillty for my life and the results of it. This where I know that if I get married, buy a house, get pets, kids, adopt, etc. it is because of the path I decided to take. Later in this phase I will recognize that I am on my way to whatever it is I feel is my priority.

Example:If my priority was to sell drugs and I was a drug dealer for x and y reason: Beginning of this phase (now at age 22): I would think okay,.... you need to do this and this and hopefully it results in this, if not you're screwed.... Middle of this phase (later): I would think, okay... i'm on my way to becoming a recognized drug dealer, continue to push forward.
I hope to get the point across without having to create a diagram for visual understanding.
The Now - the acceptance of responsibilty and idea of who you are.
The Later- on the selected path of priority whether it resulted or not, of what your intentions were for your future. If your plan in the beginning of this phase is "I have no effin idea" then later in this phase you will prob still be in the same position because your path has led you to stay this way. I suppose the main idea here is that yes, AGE does play a huge role in our lives and society. No matter how old you "feel", you will see the results of your actions. Age=phase. Whether you want to or not. Of course, this is what I believe. Scientific data has helped to prove what i have said in other ways and more specifically in stages or personality traits throughout people's lives. I give in this blog post a general idea.
Phases, stages.... the inevitable, but things you must definitely self-analyze.
Cheers to growing!